Unfortunately, this feature is only available in select locations. These locations are New York City, Toronto, Austin, Costa Rica, and a few others. There is no need to be disappointed though, the feature is expected to be available to all in the future. Google has collected over 170 billion photos from different locations around the world. While this figure is amazing, this new update could increase the figure even more. Talking about this, the product manager of Google Maps Street View said, “While our own Street View trekkers and cars have collected more than 170 billion images from 10 million miles around the planet, there are still many unmapped parts of the world.” The new feature has been tested comprehensively in the last few months to iron out all details. So, Google will no longer have to rely on its street view vans or trekkers for bringing new and unknown places to its database. Anyone with a smartphone that has a camera will be able to cover new places. We are sure once this new feature rolls out for everyone, Google Maps will undergo a huge transformation. If you’ve any thoughts on Google Maps Street View update, then feel free to drop in below comment box. Also, please subscribe to our DigitBin YouTube channel for videos tutorials. Cheers!